Barbie – The icon

Who doesn’t know Barbie? You can have endless discussions about the value of this puppet in kids education – but at least it was, is and will be part of many many childhoods. I only had one Barbie puppet. I was playing outside most of the time and Barbie puppets with their long hair weren’t really made for getting in contact with the „real world“.

But I had a lot of friends with not only one but many, many Barbies and of course they were owning also all the respective accessories as well. Horses, cars, houses, airplanes, camper and…Kens. Just what you need in life to be a happy Barbie.

So when I heard about the Barbie exhibition in Milan I was more than curious to see how you can fill a whole exhibition with the life of this puppet. Well you can and it was quite interesting. Especially to see how Barbie developed during the year. Of course fashion wise but also considering her face expressions and body shape.

More about the exhibition:


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Hot bubbles in Bagno Vignoni

32 inhabitants, no supermarket and a lot of hot thermal water. In a nutshell, this sums up the little village of Bagno vignoni, 25 kilometers away from one of the wine capitals in Italy – Montepulciano. But it offers much more than that. And to discover its magic, you need to stay overnight in the village itself.

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Wandern unter Palmen

Die Wandersandalen-These

Ich muss gestehen, dass ich der Idee meiner Mutter, für eine Woche rund um Meran Wandertouren zu machen, etwas skeptisch gegenüber stand. Was mich erwarten würde war mir eigentlich klar. Rentnergruppen in farblich abgestimmten Wanderjacken, auf dem Kopf lustige Hüte gegen die (Südtiroler!) Sonne und an den Füssen Tennissocken, die in gruseligen Wandersandalen stecken.


Mein Ausblick: Häckelgardinen?

Auch die Wahl der Unterkunft liess mich dem Urlaub mit gemischten Gefühlen entgegenblicken. Gemütliche 3 Sterne Pension mit Familienanschluss… Ich bin ja eher ein Mensch, der sich von verschiedensten Wellness-Angeboten und stilvoll designten Panoramazimmern beeindrucken lässt. Getreu nach dem Motto “Wenn man schon in Meran im Urlaub ist… .” Und meiner Mutter ist mein erster skeptischer Blick auf die Häckelgardinen bei Ankunft in der Pension nicht entgangen. Die Arme hatte sich eh schon Sorgen gemacht, ob ich als selbst erklärte Grossstädterin und Weltreisende diese ganze Beschaulichkeit ertragen kann.

Es kommt immer anders als man denkt – Prädikat: Wunderschön!

Aber ja, das konnte ich! Es war nämlich wunderschön und genau das, was ich nach vielen anstrengenden Arbeitswochen und dem ständigen Hin und Her-Gereise gebraucht habe: La dolce far niente! Auch wenn Südtirol ansonsten recht wenig mit dem restlichen Italien gemeinsam hat.


Es grünt so grün…

Die Reisezeit Mitte Mai war perfekt. Wiesen und Wälder waren satt grün und überall hat es geblüht und geduftet. Dazu gab es schönsten Sonnenschein bei durchschnittlich 26 Grad.


Im Tal und auf dem Gipfel

Die Wanderrouten in der Umgebung sind unglaublich abwechslungsreich. Von einem “langen Spaziergang” mit wunderschönem Blick bis zur Gipfelbesteigung ist eigentlich alles dabei. Ab Meran fahren zudem zu den meisten Routen auch Busse, so dass man nicht aufs Auto oder auf Rundwege angewiesen ist.

Tennissocken in Sandalen und vermeintlich “extrem sportliche” gekleidete Wanderer gibt es auch. Ab und an sogar sehr viele. Aber man muss ja nicht hingucken! Es gibt so viele andere schöne Dinge zu sehen!

Weiterempfehlung: Pension Burggräfler

Und zur Pension muss ich dann auch noch ein paar Worte verlieren. Blick, Lage und Garten sind unglaublich schön. Wunderschön. Es gibt ein liebevoll und vor allem sehr leckeres Frühstück – im Garten unter Palmen, auf der Terrasse oder im Wintergarten – und eine absolut reizende Gastgeberin, die die Pension gerade von Ihren Eltern übernimmt. Abends setzt man sich mit einem Glas Wein in den Garten und geniesst den Blick auf Meran. Wenn man möchte kommt man dabei mit den wenigen anderen Gästen der Pension ins Gespräch und tauscht sich über Wanderrouten aus…oder man bleibt einfach für sich.

Merano_BurggräflerPension Burggräfler in Schenna

Danke Mama, für den Blick über den Tellerrand…bzw. in die Suppenschüssel

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A perfect day in Istanbul

Mid of May we spent four wonderful days in Istanbul. As soon as you arrive in this pulsating city at the Bosporus you can feel the thirst for action and change of the residents. New shops and restaurants are popping up everywhere. But with becoming an international metropolis the diverse history is never forgotten. This city is the perfect combination of modernity and tradition and every single trip worthwhile… And you need more than one trip to discover this amazing place. Read more

Marocco – A Sahara trip

We spent the night before our trip into the desert in Zagora (last ATP before the desert!) and headed the road (N9) early in the morning. The first kilometers of the road where so fantastic and new that we thought we will mange the whole trip in just one hour but after about 20 kilometers we were confronted with the reality.
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Zakynthos & Kefalonia

That was the first time I travelled to Greece and the reason why we chose the Ionic island was this unbelievable clear blue water we have seen on pictures on the Internet and the guarantee for two weeks of sun. We knew it would be quite hot (40 C°) but we anyway wanted to spend the days on, at or in the water.

Hard facts
Destination: Zakynthos & Kefalonia, Ionic islands, Greece
Travel period: 2 weeks in August
Budget: 1.500 € each (everything, everything)
Airport: Zakynthos


We just booked the first three nights in advance as we wanted to decide where to stay by having a look at the rooms and the area beforehand. Even if we travelled at high season it wasn’t any difficulty to find a room. Most of the rooms are equipped with a small kitchenette and an air condition. The criteria we had additionally were a balcony or terrace with sea view and it had to be clean. For that we didn’t pay more than 55 Euros per night. Good deal. The apartments we would like to recommend:

Zakynthos: Four Seasons Studios & Apartments, Agios Sostis,, Lithakia 29092

Kefalonia: Ag. Gerasimos Studios, Lourdata, Kefalonia

Going around


We had a rental car during the whole stay (400 €) and there were a lot of moments we were quite happy about this decision. There are some busses on the island but there are not coming quite often and basically they come when they want. A few times we picked up people waiting desperately for the bus trying to hide from the sun. You can also rent a scooter or quad but only if you need to drive for short distances.

You might have been shocked reading the budget above but when I am saying everything I really mean everything. We paid 380 Euro for flying from Dusseldorf Airport within 3 hours to Zakynthos. 400 Euro we paid for a Skoda Fabia. At the island we used the comfort of an kitchen just three times when we couldn’t live any longer without a proper pasta or prepared our own Greek salad. The rest of the evenings we’ve spend in restaurants. For lunch we either had a snack (fruits or pita) or we went to a restaurant as well. Also included within the budget are all trips we booked, all entrance fees, sun beds, gasoline and of course all accommodations. Not less then two drinks per night and some presents for the ones stayed at home. We didn’t try to spent as less money as possible but if you like to travel a bit more budget friendly you could definitely do. But how much fun is it to sit at home cooking some food when the restaurants outside waiting with some grilled eggplants, the famous Moussaka, cold white wine and live music?

Eating in restaurants

I am used to eat dinner not before eight so I thought I am prepared for the Greeke dinner culture. But when we tried to find a lively restaurant at half past eight, filled with people chattering around we weren’t successful. But we were hungry after an action full day so we finally sat down. Two things we learnt that night. At half past eight it’s still too hot to eat a warm meal and this is why people entering the restaurant not before half past nine. And secondly we learned that eating fish is not that common and therefore (compared to the other plates) quite expensive, although you are sitting not even two meters away from the sea. Drinking water is often for free but definitely less than two Euros. Same is valid for bread, olive oil and olives. For a liter of wine you pay an average of 7 Euros, a Greek salad (which you can easily eat as a main) costs between 4 and 7 Euros.

Our favorite restaurant: Tavern “Aligerini”, Kiliomenos, Zakynthos


Map Zakynthos

Best thing to do if you are “fresh” on the island and you will stay a bit longer: just walk around…or better drive around as it is too hot to walk. You will get a good impression of the island away from the real touristic spots and locals are really hospitable. By doing so we found our absolute favorite restaurant.

Swimming in the Blue caves

Blue caves

For your trip to the blue caves (if you do not have your own boat) drive up to the north of the island. Pass Agios Nikolaos where they are offering tours even by stopping your car. Drive ahead to the light house/wind mill of Skinari on the top of the island. Over there the Potamitis Brothers running a snack bar, a small wind mill which was rebuild and is used now as an apartment and they are offering tours to blue caves and ship wreck. ( Actually from this place you can also directly swim into one or two caves but you need to be a good swimmer as the waves are often quite strong and the stones are huge. We booked a boat tour and really enjoyed the trip. We went in the morning so our boat was the only one and we could swim in this really amazing blue water of the caves. Thumbs up.

Turtle spotting/Marathonisi island

Turtle Spotting

Off the coast of Agios Sostis (south of Zakynthos) it is quite likely to spot some turtles (caretta caretta) between June and September. And these animals are amazing to watch. You can also book a lot of “Turtle spotting” trips with a glass bottom boat. We did so but the turtles we spotted were really close to the coast. Better book a boat yourself (you don`t need a glass bottom as the turtles anyway need to come up from time to time to breath) or just snorkel. Marathonisi Island is a breeding ground for the turtles so you are not allowed to enter the island. You can book a trip to go there and they let you off the boat to swim and to buy some snacks at the swimming snack bar. Not really worth…

Ship wreck

Ship wreck

The pictures of the ship wreck are probably the first thing you have seen when you started to search for some Zakynthos impressions on the Internet and it is probably really nice to go there…when you are on the island in the off-season. We went there (also with Potamitis brothers) and we were quite happy when we had the possibility to disappear after one long hour. The bay is amazing but it was so crowded.

Ship wreck 02

And every minute more people came. The only way to go there is by ship so what happened is that there were ships landing every minute, spitting out people and leaving to bring even more. It smelled horrible of diesel. Swimming in this really beautiful blue water was impossible because of the ships landing every second. I wouldn`t recommend to go there in high season.

Limnionas Bay

Limnionas Bay

This bay is perfect for snorkeling or diving. You can sit on the steep rocks around this bay and there is a natural stage which makes it easy to enter the water. You can also find a “Bay bar” offering food, drinks and sun beds a bit above.

Keri Caves

Keri Caves

Not that famous than the blue caves but definitely worth a trip as it isn`t that crowded over there.

Cameo Beach Club

Cameo Beach Club

This beach club is situated on a tiny little island which is connected with the Zakynthos by a wooden bridge. Relaxing music, absolute stunning view and a nice place to swim as well.


Map Kefalonia

Kefalonia is the more relaxed island. Less party more green and a lot of nice beaches and beautiful scenery. I definitely prefer this island.


Antisamos Bay

Antisamos Bay

Like a little oases. Surrounded by millions of trees the crystal clear water looks so inviting. At the beach bar it is too crowded but when you go a bit further to the right you are almost for your own. Of course there you will not find any sun beds, umbrellas or iced cappuccino.

Melissani Caves

Melissani Cave

We felt a bit like in a fun park when we waited for one of the fives boats. The cave lake is quite impressive and a good occasion for some pictures but after five minutes the fun is over again.

Drogarati caves

Drogarati Cave

After the first shock when you have realized that you have to walk down into the cave, you will find out two things after the first steps. It`s getting colder with every step and the stairs aren`t that long. Once on the ground a beautiful stalactites scenery is waiting for you. In the huge hall some time ago Maria Callas gave a concert.

Myrtos Beach

Myrtos Beach

Huge waves, the most turquoise water I have ever seen and a white stone beach. This place is stunning! So far this is the most beautiful beach I`ve ever seen.



The walk up to the castle isn`t worth (beside the fact that the view is nice)but the small village is lovely. It reminded me a bit on Italy and the tiny city beach is just cute.